Hi,Looking for a strong and reliable agent to assist with the best freight for 01x20’ cont from Jebel Ali to Nhava sheva.Commodity will be Used Ma<span class="highlight">chin</span>eryCargo weight will be below 5ton1...
December 14, 2023
POL : Laem chabangPOD : ChennaiVOL : 1*20GP/1*40HCWT : 18000Kg/24000KgCOMMODITY : Machine Parts14 days free at destination
December 02, 2023
Looking for 6 agents , Quoted:6
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Valid until: 09/12/2023 23:59 RespondPls kindly advise if there is any way to deliver 3 loading ma<span class="highlight">chin</span>es from Durban to any port in Russia (preferably Vladivostok).Weight: 20tPls see the picture and dimensionsP.S. The bucke...
November 14, 2023
Kindly share your best Ex work rates form Narita to BLRPls find below cargo details for your ref.PKGS : 10CTNWeight: 277.400kgsDIM: 55X31X51 = 8ctn55X31X62 = 2ctnPick up address:TOKYO SOKUTEIKIZAI CO LTD8-3-4 SHINMACH...
November 07, 2023
I wish to know about the Product:Cost,Transit time,Cargo ready dateGood day SirCould you please advise the best rate from Dalian to Latakia as details belowVol 8*20Com Ma<span class="highlight">chin</span>esKindly not...
November 06, 2023
DearAllGood DayThank you for your support.Kindly share your best Ex-work rates from China to Bangalore.FCL - 1x40'Weight - 7tonHS CODE: 845430100Cargo: DIE Casting Ma<span class="highlight">chin</span>ePick Up Add...
October 27, 2023
Could you plz quote on below:POL: TianjinPOD: BNDQTY: 6*40’GPCargo: Machinery partsSwitch BL needed
October 26, 2023
POL: SHENZHENPOD:RotterdamADD:1580AvenchesSwitzerlandCARGO:Vendingma<span class="highlight">chin</span>eHSCODE:8476210000SIZE:143*92*210cm,372kg93*90*215cm,242kg180*130*220cm,700kg110*100*210cm,380kg130*90*21...
September 22, 2023
With reference to the captioned subject, please quote us your best LCL/ 20’ FCLimport shipment + Ex-works rates from China to Pakistan;Commodity : Double Head UPVC Cutting Ma<span class="highlight">chin</span>eVolume...
September 19, 2023
POL ShanghaiPOD mundraEquipment 19X40'Ft HQCommodity Machinery
September 12, 2023
KINDLY SHARE DDU RATESPLS FIND BELOW CARGO DETAILS.2 ctns.26x16x1956lbs.27x26x1446lbsDELIVERY ADDRESS:Amada Weld Tech inc1820 S Myrtle AveMonrovia CA 91016USA
September 09, 2023
KINDLY SHARE DDU RATESPLS FIND BELOW CARGO DETAILS.2 ctns.26x16x1956lbs.27x26x1446lbsDELIVERY ADDRESS:Amada Weld Tech inc1820 S Myrtle AveMonrovia CA 91016USA
September 09, 2023
Please find the below and attached enquiry!Please send us your best offer for the following:Commodity: Ma<span class="highlight">chin</span>eryPOL: COEGA PORTPOD: Alexandria OldTerm: FOBQTY: 1 x 40 HC + 1 x 20 GPWe ne...
September 05, 2023
We have query from Germany. Please see if you can help in this.This is used ma<span class="highlight">chin</span>e and is under dismantling phase.OT-IG will be loaded at shippers factory.OOG Cargo photos not available...
August 30, 2023
Have a good dayKindly advise best sea freight from as following :-POL :- Port klongPOD :- SOKHNAALEX OLDCommodity :- papermachineVolume :- 204040HQAlso please send us TT , FT at destination
August 30, 2023
Hope that you are keeping well. Please can you assist with rates to clear and delivery from Damman Airport for the below shipment.Collection: arrival Damman AirportDelivery Address: Digital Trading Company LtdAlkhobar...
August 24, 2023
August 10, 2023
Quotationsareinvitedfor the movement ofMa<span class="highlight">chin</span>ery(Second Hand/Used )and Youarerequested to please provide us your best competitivequotesfor the movement of said product according to the f...
August 03, 2023
Please quoteyourbestAIRfreightand EXW charges for thecargo as per below details of the packages (approximate weightvolume)for shipmentfromP.O. Box 2187,Huntington, WV 25722-2187, USA to KolkataAIRPorton EXW basisQuota...
July 19, 2023
Kindly share your best Ex work rates from Germany To BLRabout 100KgPick up fromDrucküberwachungAntriebstechnikKeplerstraße12 - 14∙ D-74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany
July 16, 2023