Afşar Global Logistics in line with international transportation and logistics needs; professional, It offers logistics solutions to national and international companies with its young and dynamic staff. • As a result of agreements made with shipowner companies, with the support of partner offices, the world It offers sea, land, air, wagon and transportation services to and from 870 different points in 70 countries. It has gathered open cargo/project transportation services within itself. • Africa, the Middle East, North, South and Central America, especially the Russian region We provide partial and full air, sea, road and transit transportation from anywhere in the world. • Its customers and international partners include multinational companies, national medium-sized Afşar Global Logistics, which provides services to companies with different profiles, from companies to companies, aims to; quality, trust and unconditional customer satisfaction and within this framework, It has taken its place in the sector with the boutique service it offers. Our services; • Sea Transportation • Road Transportation • Air Transportation • Open cargo and Project transportation • Railway Transportation