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Asesa Eirl

Sea freight

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General / Ocean Freight

Con más de 27 años de presencia en el Mercado

50 años de experiencia en el rubro del Comercio Exterior nos han permitido participar de los procesos de compra y venta internacional de los importadores y exportadores del mercado local, agregando el valor estratégico indispensable para el adecuado manejo del riesgo.

El conocimiento profundo de las problemáticas propias de un proceso de compra y venta internacional, nos ha permitido desarrollar un servicio de Outsourcing en gestión de compra y venta internacional, basado en una metodología única en el mercado, que abarca desde la recepción de la Orden de Compra, hasta el costeo tributario a nivel de ítem de las mercancías.

With more than 27 years of presence in the Market 50 years of experience in the field of Foreign Trade have allowed us to participate in the processes of international purchase and sale of importers and exporters of the local market, adding the strategic value essential for the proper management of risk.

The deep knowledge of the problems of an international buying and selling process, has allowed us to develop an Outsourcing service in international purchase and sale management, based on a unique methodology in the market, which includes since the reception of the Order of Purchase, up to the tax cost at item level of the goods.

Company Archive
Company Name: Asesa Eirl Company Type: Enterprise units ()
Area: Chile/Santiago Number of Employees:
Registered Capital: N/A Date of foundation: 2009
Security deposit: Already 0.00 USD
Business Scope: Sea freight
General / Ocean Freight
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