FMA LOGISTICS INTERNATIonAL SAS is a family business bornfrom three experienced agents in the freight forwarder field. Which isled by a management team of excellent quality and experience of morethan 40 years in the market.The management team is conformed by our General Manager GabrielFlórez who has experience directing all the procedures in importingand exporting of goods worldwide. As well as establishing all theprocesses of customs agencies, domestic and international freightforwarders. Also, he has been able to demonstrate his excellentcontribution to cargo transportation around the world. Focusing hismain successful business activities in the Asian and European market.Added to this, our Operational and Logistics Manager Hugo Martínezhas experience in the coordination and logistics in cargo transportation.And our Commercial and Administrative Manager Addy Martínez hasworked for more than 13 years with Avianca Airlines, obtainingexperience in the different processes and proced... [