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Moha Express AS Limited

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Service: Views: 301Brokage 
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Time 23/12/2019 17:26


Any business involved with the import or export of goods should be aware
that they are subject to Nigeria laws and EC Regulations. Our Customs Brokerage department has the necessary expertise and experience to deal with these procedures and using electronic links to HMRC can expedite your customs formalities efficiently and accurately.

When goods are imported from outside the European Community an import Declaration is required and we process this through electronic submission of
a SAD (Single Administrative document) in the UK known as a C88. This import declaration provides information about your consignment to HMRC. The most important pieces of information are the Commodity Code (also known as the Tariff Heading or classification code) and the Customs Procedure code (CPC).

Both have a significant impact on how your consignment is treaded by HMRC.

Commodity codes are important in determining how much you will be charged with measures such as duty rates, preferences, quotas, duty suspension, Common Agricultural Policy, VAT and Excise.

Customs Procedure Codes are used to identify the nature of the
movement and describes the purpose of your consignment informing Customs about the duty to be paid on the goods.

Binding Tariff Information (BTI)
Selecting the appropriate commodity code for your consignment is vital. Inaccurate tariff classification will result in the wrong commodity code being used and either an underpayment or overpayment of duty will be made.

If there is any doubt about classification of your goods we can get them certified by HMRC and obtain a BTI for each of the products you are
importing. BTI is a written and legally binding decision that applies for six
years from the date of issue. We have the expertise and experience to ensure that your goods are correctly classified. We will make sure that your company is not spending more money on duty than is required and also help you to reduce the risk of incurring penalties for miss declarations.


Currently there are no export taxes, duties or levies in force on goods being exported from the EU but the HMRC collect export details through submissions of an electronic export declaration. This data is collected on the CHIEF (Customs Handling import/Export Freight) mainframe system and permission to progress (P2P) must be granted before goods can be exported.

Our Customs Brokerage department can be appointed to act as representative to arrange the export declarations on your behalf and in most case we provide this service for all our export customers.

Similarly to imports, key information required by HMRC for exports is the Commodity Code (also known as the Tariff Heading or classification code) and Customs Procedure Code (CPC).

In addition to arranging your customs export formalities, our customs brokerage department also has the experience and expertise to arrange the following export document procedures where required for certain products and countries of destination.

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