We strongly believe in process continuous improvement always destined to remain pro-active and constantly contributing to the efficiency and perception of our work. TRANSPORTES Y SERVICIOS VáSCONES S.A. / TRANSVAS S.A. CARGO LOGISTICS was established in 2007 as an International Freight Forwarder in order to provide integral logistics services to the Ecuadorian and worldwide market, we are legally authorized as Cargo Consolidator/Deconsolidator Agency under license from the Ecuadorian Customs Service (SENAE) with code # 09000007. As active members of WORLD CARGO ALLIANCE LOGISTIC FAMILY OF NETWORKS we have the support of the world’s largest premier independent agent network with global representation in more than 188 countries. Through implementation of BASC Standard we have reinforce the commitment established with our business partners, minimizing the risk level in our cargo operations to prevent illegal activities, drug traffic, smuggling, terrorism, robbery and directing our ef... [