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Customs clearance of goods from China and Europe in Russia
2024-08-28 10:56  Hits: 260
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Shipping: Within 3 days

Customs clearance of equipment is the most difficult stage of customs clearance, for which it is necessary to have an idea of how the devices function, what technical characteristics they have, and in what area they are used. For assistance with customs clearance of equipment from Europe, please contact the Moscow logistics company B&B Logistics.

Features of customs clearance

To improve the quality of imported products sold, there is a need for registration of equipment in the control authorities. Customs clearance is also required to obtain permission to import equipment into the country.

The omission of at least one point or the admission of shortcomings in the registration process is fraught with additional financial and time costs. To avoid unforeseen costs and delays in customs clearance of goods in Russia, you should adhere to strict compliance with the established rules.

Collection of documents

Shipping papers must be accompanied by a technical passport not only for the equipment itself, but also for the components. Certificates, permits and permits are required. Customs clearance of equipment from China is more problematic because such devices are unpredictable. In this case, additional monitoring of the domestic market is carried out to determine compliance.

When customs clearance of non-standard goods from Europe, there is a need to obtain documents from the manufacturer with a professional translation. This point should be negotiated in the process of concluding a contract with the supplier.

List of mandatory information that must be specified in the documentation:

  • Device name, model range and manufacturer's company name.

  • The area of purpose of technical devices and the country of origin.

  • The cost declared by the sender and the year of manufacture from the manufacturer's factory.

  • The route of the transported cargo (country of shipment and final destination).

It should not be forgotten that some models of equipment are subject to mandatory certification. The simplicity of the process of collecting documents is conditional. In practice, a lot of problems arise. It is better to entrust the entire process of registration to competent professionals of customs law.

Customs inspection

Complex goods undergo additional inspection during customs clearance. By this stage, you need to collect all the necessary documents, including the declaration of the exporting country. Inspection is not included in the list of necessary procedures, but you need to be prepared for it in advance.

The procedure involves opened packages, taking samples for examination. It is mandatory to check the declared quantity and weight.

based on the results of the customs inspection, an act is drawn up. The cost of customs clearance of equipment depends on the nuances of its configuration and area of use.

Practical Aspects of Customs Clearance

Customs clearance of goods to Russia from China and other European countries includes

  1. Conducting a full analysis to determine possible delays until the time of shipment.

  2. Preliminary development of adjustment of actions during customs clearance.

  3. Advance calculation of the cost of registration in the control and delivery authorities.

Highly qualified specialists competently approach the process of customs clearance of equipment, taking into account all the established requirements and current legislation. It is mandatory to check the correctness of the preparation of export-import contracts, and measures are taken to quickly obtain permits.

Features of cooperation

An official customs broker takes care of the entire customs clearance process, freeing the customer from unnecessary waste of time. We work with all participants in foreign economic activity (individual entrepreneurs, individuals and legal entities). We provide assistance in declaring equipment, observing the deadlines.

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